What Makes Farrauto Wealth Management Different

At Farrauto Wealth Management, we believe in advancing and protecting your financial well-being through comprehensive wealth management services. Our team, comprising a diverse group of experts such as Financial Advisors, Investment Advisors, Personal Finance Consultants, and Wealth Advisors, provides personalized strategies that cater to your unique financial needs. We understand the complexities of today's financial landscape and strive to offer solutions that help you navigate it with confidence and ease.

Advance and Protect

The number and diversity of investment choices available today are simply staggering. The days of simply buying and holding a portfolio of stocks, bonds, or mutual funds are long gone. Now, you must choose from dozens of asset classes with broad diversification that may help protect your portfolio against today’s extreme market volatility. Our team of Financial Consultants, Asset Managers, and Investment Managers is here to guide you through these choices, ensuring your investments are well-positioned for both growth and protection.

4-Step Investment Management Process

The Farrauto Wealth Management investment management process is designed to optimize your portfolio through a systematic approach. Here is how we do it:

Step 1: Create Portfolios Based on Asset and Sector Classes Believed to Be in a Long-Term Uptrend

Our Financial Analysts and Portfolio Managers identify and capitalize on asset and sector classes that show long-term potential. By leveraging their expertise, we create portfolios that are poised to take advantage of growth opportunities.

Step 2: Monitor and Evaluate Non-Proprietary Investment Vehicles

We continuously monitor and evaluate non-proprietary investment vehicles to ensure they are suitable for your portfolios. This ongoing evaluation allows us to incorporate high-quality, diverse investments that align with your financial goals.

Step 3: Utilize Multiple Quantitative Analysis Tools

Our Financial Strategists and Wealth Strategists employ a variety of quantitative analysis tools to optimize our buy/sell decision-making process. This rigorous analysis helps us make informed decisions that enhance your portfolio's performance.

Step 4: Utilize the Latest Technology

We leverage cutting-edge technology to track and monitor the latest trading activity. This ensures that our investment entry and exit decisions are timely and based on the most current market data.

Asset Classes and Sectors

Using our managed account, you will gain access to a broadly diversified list of asset classes and investment sectors. Since our worldwide economy is dynamic, this list of investment options changes on a regular basis. We are continuously monitoring the investment landscape to try to identify tomorrow’s winners today. Here are just a few examples of asset classes and investment sectors that are part of our investing universe:

  • Preferred stocks
  • Large capitalization stocks
  • Emerging market securities
  • Market neutral strategies
  • Convertible bonds
  • Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities
  • Municipal bonds
  • High-yield bonds
  • Corporate bonds
  • Government securities
  • Precious metals
  • Managed futures
  • Master limited partnerships
  • Energy
  • Agriculture

Our Wealth Consultants and Financial Planners work diligently to ensure that your portfolio includes a diverse mix of these asset classes, helping to mitigate risk and optimize returns.

Risk Management

The recent turmoil in the worldwide financial markets has reiterated the need for diligent risk management. Our managed account allows us to monitor the risk level more effectively in the market. When we believe the risk is too high, we have the capability to take action to try to mitigate that exposure on your behalf.

As Investment Analyst Louise Yamada said, “There are two kinds of losses. A loss of capital and a loss of opportunity; but there will always be another opportunity if you protect capital.” We are very conscious of trying to protect your money during times of anticipated negative volatility. That way, we will have capital to invest when new opportunities arise.

Personalized Financial Services

We are excited about the opportunity to serve you. Our partnership aims to maximize your investment results while offering the personalized service you have come to expect. Our Financial Coaches, Financial Counselors, and Financial Consultants are committed to providing the guidance and support you need to achieve your financial goals.

There is no guarantee that a diversified portfolio will enhance overall returns or outperform a non-diversified portfolio. Diversification does not ensure against market risk. No strategy can assure a profit or protect against loss.

Our Wealth Architects and Estate Planners work with you to create a detailed blueprint for your financial future, incorporating advanced strategies and solutions to build and preserve your wealth across generations.

At Farrauto Wealth Management, we are more than just financial advisors; we are your partners in wealth management. Our team of experts is dedicated to helping you navigate the complexities of the financial world and achieve your financial dreams. Thank you for considering us as your trusted partner in wealth management. We look forward to helping you achieve financial success.